Mexico › Mazatlán
Updated: March 1, 2022

See Also

  • Mazatlán – Where to Stay
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  • Mazatlán – Family unit Hotels

Mazatlán is one of Mexico's most atmospheric resorts, a laid-back, historic city on the western, Pacific declension, and one of our favorite places to go for good seafood, sunday and sand.

downtown with church and cruise ship
Downtown old Mazatlan with the cathedral and a cruise transport in the altitude.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mazatlán

Where is Mazatlán?

Mazatlán is a city in Mexico, on the western, Pacific coast of the country in the state of Sinaloa. Mazatlán lies near 1030 km northwest of Mexico Urban center, 220 km s of state uppercase Culiacán, and 440 km north of Puerto Vallarta. Not-terminate flights to Mazatlán take 2 hours xl minutes from Los Angeles, ii hours 15 minutes from Tijuana, 1 hour 40 minutes from United mexican states City and one 60 minutes 25 minutes from Monterrey.

How big is Mazatlán?

Mazatlán has a greater metro population of well-nigh 490,000. The main urban center and busiest resort surface area stretches some 30km due north to south forth the Pacific coast. Pristine beaches and smaller resorts fan out either side of the central "Zona Dorada" ("Gold Zone"), the traditional hub for accommodation and tourist activities.

What is the history of Mazatlán?

Mazatlán claims an official foundation engagement of 1531, when the Castilian took command of the surface area, simply zippo much happened here well into the 19th century. Initially niggling more than a base of operations for smugglers and pirates, Mazatlán gained respectability when a Mexican customs role opened in 1828, and the urban center finally boomed as a mining port – author Herman Melville visited Mazatlán as a crewman in 1844. In the late 19th century, the city also attracted manufacturing and a large immigrant population – Germans opened the famous Cerveceria del Pacífico brewery in 1900. Information technology wasn't until the finish of World State of war 2 that Mazatlán started to attract tourists, initially American sport fishermen (today it still operates the largest canneries and shrimp fisheries in the country). Writer Jack Kerouac passed through in 1952, writing nigh his visit in Lonesome Traveler. Mass tourism really took off in the 1970s with the development of the "Zona Dorada", and in the last decade or so the city's one-time boondocks or "centro histórico" has been given an attractive facelift.

How do I go to Mazatlán?

Mazatlán is connected to the US and Canada past numerous non-finish flights, though many of these surface area seasonal; most flights will otherwise route through Los Angeles or Dallas/Fort Worth. Not-stop domestic flights link Mazatlán with Monterrey, Tijuana, United mexican states City, and several smaller cities. There are no directly flights from Europe – most visitors travel through the The states or United mexican states Urban center.

Within Mexico, first-class long-altitude buses are an economical and comfortable alternative to flight – buses to Guadalajara (6–7 hours), Mexico Metropolis (14–15 hours), and Puerto Vallarta (7 hours 30 minutes) operate frequently (24 hours).

stairs down to ocean
Stairs down to a lookout signal forth the waterfront.

What are the options for airport transportation in Mazatlán?

Mazatlán's International Airport lies some 20km south of the city middle. Arrival tin can be quite cluttered – ignore the timeshare sales staff upon exiting and their offers of rides into the city. Expect instead for the official "Taxi" desk and pay for transportation at that place – or suit rides in advance with companies like Mazatlan Tours.

The cheapest transportation is provided by vans (or "colectivos") that offering fixed rates to the old town and Zona Dorada – unremarkably 125 pesos. This is a corking deal, just note that if the van is full and your hotel happens to exist the last stop, the trip can take well over 2 hours (it only takes thirty minutes by taxi).

Similar almost airports in United mexican states, private taxis operate a monopoly here and rates are relatively expensive, ranging from U.s.$25–sixty, depending on where the hotel is. The toll will be stock-still in advance at the Taxi Desk at the airport – there are no meters inside the taxis. The desk volition have U.s.a. or Canadian dollars in improver to Mexican pesos, but payment is greenbacks only. All the major car rental companies take desks at the airport.

Tin I use Uber in Mazatlán?

Uber is available in Mazatlán (assuming phones have roaming, and the app works), and can offer convenience and much cheaper rates over traditional taxis. Nearly short trips in town range 30 to 45 pesos, with journeys between the One-time Town and Zona Dorada around 65 pesos, and rides out to Cerritos around 100 pesos.

However, Uber drivers are legally forbidden to provide airdrome choice-ups. The local airport taxi drivers (as is typical in Mexico) are very territorial – fifty-fifty though Uber drivers are allowed to drop-off at the drome, almost drivers will reject for fright of reprisals. Inside the city, taking Uber is usually fine.

Various other ride-sharing apps operate in Mazatlán, with Chinese-owned DiDi offering slightly cheaper rates, and Estonia-based Commodities another alternative, but we'd recommend sticking with Uber for get-go-time visitors.

old historical buildings
Colorful old city streets in the historic urban center heart.

Can I drive to Mazatlán?

We would urge caution in driving to Mazatlán. Driving downward from the U.s.a. border is relatively straightforward – the main highways are in good condition all the way. Nevertheless, beyond the tourist centers, the states of Sinaloa and Sonora take a reputation for drug violence that makes driving some areas a potentially dangerous proposition – driving at night should exist absolutely avoided. The bulldoze from Mazatlán to Nogales on the border with Arizona on Hwy-15 is around 1170 km (727 miles) and xiv hours non-finish. Foreign vehicles also require a Mexican "Temporary Importation of Vehicle Let", arranged at the border or earlier departing.

Do I need a car in Mazatlán?

Public transport is incredibly prolific and inexpensive in Mazatlán making a car unnecessary (see below).

The Quondam Town is best explored on foot, and it's easy to accomplish all the principal beaches by omnibus or taxi.

How do I become around Mazatlán without a vehicle?

There are and then many options to getting around Mazatlán without a machine! Public transport is fun and cheap in Mazatlán. Showtime-time visitors should effort the pulmonías (a bit like souped-up golf carts but usually modified VW Beetles, clarion Mexican music). Fares depend somewhat on negotiation skills – rides betwixt the Zona Dorada and Old Town usually cost around 150 pesos. Larger scarlet pick-up trucks known as aurigas tend to be cheaper than this, and ideal for large groups – they have 8–x people at a time – only again, negotiate the rate in advance.

Regular taxis (normally red or light-green) do not have meters but operate on a (very) crude stock-still-rate system, though always ostend the price earlier getting in. Most curt trips in town range twoscore to 50 pesos, with journeys between the Erstwhile Town and Zona Dorada around 70–80 pesos (and 20 per centum more at night). Uber tends to be a flake cheaper (encounter higher up).

Urban center buses are a convenient and cheap alternative: the double-decker identified as "Sabalo-Centro" runs dorsum and forth from the Marina in the north all the style down the seafront through the Zona Dorada and into the Onetime Town. The charabanc is air-conditioned and costs just xi pesos.

waterfront yacht club
Sailboats and yachts in a marina along the waterfront.

When is the best time to become to Mazatlán?

Mazatlán is at its best between November and May when it's sunny and very dry. In the summertime (July to September) it can be very humid and very hot – information technology can likewise pelting a lot, though the water is at its warmest for swimming and snorkeling at this time. October and November is a bang-up time to visit – the rainy flavor is over, but the busy winter flavor has nonetheless to pick up, so hotels tend to be cheaper.

Where should I stay in Mazatlán?

Most tourists in Mazatlán stay in the Zona Dorada, the "Gilded Zone" fronting the main beaches – this is where the big resort hotels are, as well as a range of upkeep options. Alternatively, the restored Old Town (or centro histórico) has a lot more character – staying here, in boutique hotels or Airbnb apartments, means a longer journey to the embankment simply access to a lot more of Mazatlán'southward cultural offerings – live music, theater, museums, bars, restaurants, and local markets. Larger and more isolated resorts prevarication to the due north along Playa Cerritos and Playa Brujas in what is known as "Nuevo Mazatlán".

What are the best beaches in Mazatlán?

Our favorite beaches in Mazatlán include the small beach on the Isla de la Venados (Deer Island), ii km off the coast – all the tour operators in the Zona Dorada offering gunkhole trips – and the Isla de la Piedra (actually a long peninsula), which boasts a long, sandy beach platonic for swimming, with several no-frills Mexican embankment bars and restaurants. To go there, take a bus or taxi to the "Embarcadero" at the southern stop of the Former Town, then take hold of a motorboat beyond the channel.

The primary tourist beaches that line the Zona Dorada – known every bit Playa Gaviotas and Playa Sábalo further north – are perfectly fine, often busy but clean and convenient for hotels and amenities. Farther north the beaches are wilder and emptier; aim for Playa Cerritos or Playa Bruja (both accessible by bus) for a quieter experience.

waterfront promenade at night
Waterfront promenade merely after sunset.

Where to change money in Mazatlán?

The Mexican peso is the official currency in Mazatlán (oftentimes prefixed with a "$" sign), and though some hotels, restaurants, and vendors may accept Usa or Canadian dollars, well-nigh local businesses only deal in pesos. Endeavor to employ ATMs to withdraw peso cash in Mazatlán if possible (check with the depository financial institution before leaving to confirm it's possible to utilize a debit card and how much they will charge – using credit cards tin incur interest and foreign transaction fees). Credit cards are widely accepted, merely cash is needed for buses, most taxis, and small purchases.

What are the all-time things to practise in Mazatlán?

The best things to exercise in Mazatlán are continued with the beaches; swimming, surfing, sunbathing, and various watersports. Other pleasures include dining, drinking, and shopping, peculiarly in the resurgent Onetime Town. It'southward worth strolling the historic streets around the Plaza Machado, taking in the 19th-century Teatro Ángela Peralta, the pocket-size simply absorbing Museo Arqueológico (archeological museum), and Museo de Arte (art museum), with its displays of modern Mexican paintings and sculpture. The colorful stalls of the grand old urban center market, Mercado Pino Suárez, are too worth perusing.

Other highlights include viewing the world'south largest mosaic mural at the Mazatlán International Center; hiking up to the lighthouse ("El Faro de Crestón") at the far southern edge of the metropolis; enjoying a cocktail at historic Bar Belmar, overlooking Playa Olas Altas; and watching the cliff divers at "the Mirador", on the seafront. For a scrap more excitement tackle the multiple ziplines at Huana Coa Canopy Adventure, but outside the urban center (tours that include transport are sold all over boondocks and in hotels). Mazatlán is also a great place to larn to surf – contact Jah Surf Schoolhouse.

What are the restaurants in Mazatlán like?

The restaurants in Mazatlán are pretty good, a mix of classic Mexican and international. In the One-time Town, Casa Etnika sells handicrafts besides equally Oaxacan coffee and snacks, while Topolo and El Aljibe de San Pedro are our go-to's for high-quality Mexican cuisine. Asian-fusion specialist Water'southward Edge Bistro is our overall favorite restaurant for a big night out. In the Zona Dorada we recommend Casa Loma for a romantic dinner, and Twisted Mama'south for international dishes, cocktails and nightlife.

Is Mazatlán expensive?

Everything is relative of course, just Mazatlán is ane of United mexican states'south more than affordable resorts. Hotels tend to be reasonably priced, public transport is very cheap, and meals and activities won't cost much – near everything is priced in pesos, not U.s. dollars.

Is Mazatlán rubber?

Yeah. Despite the land of Sinaloa beingness one of Mexico's drug cartel hotspots, Mazatlán itself is condom for tourists to visit. The Zona Dorada, Old Boondocks, and Malecón (seafront) are well-policed, even at night. Nosotros would advise not to travel outside the urban center alone (organized tours are OK), and to accept the usual precautions.

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