Should I Get Executioners Calling Firt Item Agains Soraka

Executioner'due south Calling was removed and looking dorsum on information technology... it was a... hopefull (wanted to be practiced, with a practiced premise), but ultimately information technology was useless, weak and failed particular. It was nice to accept under certain circumstances, though even then information technology was hard to notice whatever difference.

What did the item do again?

It's stats had exactly 100% gold efficiency without the passive. That sounds practiced right? Well not exactly. Completed items oft have around 120-170% gold efficiency without their passives. By the way it costs 1900 gilt.... About completed items are shut to 2800 gold. And so not only practise its stats barely cover the cost, but information technology takes up an item slot, and just amounts to well-nigh about i half an item, equally far as stats and passives become.

Additionally the passive was pretty poor also. It applies grievous wounds (l% reduced healing, and regeneration) on champions who you automobile attack. Okay what does that accomplish? It tin can injure champions with high sustain such as Dr. Mundo, Zac, and Nasus (and others) and can assistance stifle the outrageously annoying heals from Nami, Sona, and Janna (Just more often than not Soraka). So it seems like at that place are only two lanes where y'all would buy this. Top lane; considering most cocky sustain champions hide out their, and lesser lane; as a marksman trading with the enemy support and marksman.

Why was this thing here in the first place?

Allow me to take you dorsum to a dark and terrible time. It is SEASON ONE, you have never heard of a "unique" passive or active power. Bloodthirster nonetheless gains stacks from minion and monster kills to gain attack harm and life steal, which stacks up to 25%. So you want to play an "ADC"? (Dinosaur talk for Marksman) You are considering purchasing an infinity border? Why not iii bloodthristers instead? Simply heal upwardly i half of your health per hit. TADA YOU ARE THE TANK ON THIS TEAM.

This item is an obvious counter buy to the above strategy. It just costs 1900, with a gold generation item on the mode in example y'all tin can't buy it outright. Seems logical right? So rito, in later seasons, changed its life steal to not stack with itself, and changed its stacking mechanic to some kind of shield thingy that no i really pays attention to.

TLDR; they killed the monster that was Bloodthirster.

Afterward it was no longer beneficial to purchase multiple Bloodthirsters there was no reason to purchase Executioners calling, and as such it was removed from the game (They took their sweet time actually).


It is pretty articulate every bit to why information technology was removed looking back on it, but what could RITO practise if it was reintroduced? How could they keep its identity, while making it viable and fun to buy?

There are a lot of things we could practice to this item, however I don't recollect nosotros demand to change it all that much. Slapping more stats on it would feel a bit forced, and non help the feeling of the particular. A friend of mine suggested nosotros make its passive prevent all healing, just that would hard counter healing, which is highly toxic.

Instead I would only brand the detail smaller. (que to click the next tab)

Executioner's Calling item.png

Executioner's Calling

1150 Gold 1150 ( 390 Gold 390 )

Brawler's Gloves item.png

Brawler's Gloves

400 Gold 400

Long Sword item.png

Long Sword

360 Gold 360

I have replaced avarice blade with a brawlers glove and reduced the combine price from 740g to 390g. The item now costs 1150 total (750g cheaper). Its stats have been lowered to compensate (10 less AD and 10% less crit take a chance) its stats are worth 1040g (ninety.4% golden efficient) so the passive needs to be worth at least 110g in society to be gold efficient.

The detail now counts how much health has been denied your enemies, and is displayed equally a buff on your champion. Once you attain 500 stacks you can upgrade the item into Darkwill's Neck Cleaver.

These moderate changes practice several big things. Offset it adds clarity as to what the item itself is doing. You bought it, y'all should find. Second there should be a feeling of satisfaction knowing that the Dr. Mundo on the enemy team was merely cheated 350 health from those few auto attacks you gave him during his ultimate.

3rd; the item is much cheaper. You can purchase it quite early (During the laning phase) then that yous can commencement countering your enemies fifty-fifty faster, while at the same time start building those stacks. I did state that part of the problem with Executioner's Calling was that it wasn't worth taking upward an item slot late game. This is true even for this item, however it won't exist a completed item, merely will make a peachy legendary item subsequently. It should give the particular the same feeling Manamune and Archangel'due south staff accept: the possibility of condign something far greater.

(que to click the next tab)

This item will not upgrade itself automatically if the components are in your inventory. Information technology must be upgraded in the shop, though its combine price is 0 aureate. It still required 500 of those stacks mentioned in my version of Executioner'southward Calling

Darkwill's Neck Cleaver is 121% gold efficient without its passive or active/passive. (Attack Stat is worth 2520gp and Crit stat is worth 1000gp.) Yet this detail now costs 2900 gold (1000 more than the original Exacutioner's calling). This makes the particular big enough to fill a late game detail slot.

I would hope that the little counter for how much wellness you have cheated your opponents would yet tick away after y'all have completed the item.

Now this detail would exist a good counter for an enemy healer in bot lane and would become nicely on an attack oriented assassin or bruiser in the top lane. Y'all tin go the grievous wounds passive while still in lane, and build information technology up slightly long before yous need to roam. Depending on your opponent y'all may be able to complete the item earlier the laning phase fifty-fifty ends!

"HOLD ON! Grrrbear, you said that slapping on a pile of stats would seem lazy and not really build onto the item, and nothing new and fun has been added to the final item!"

Oh correct, there is room for a new passive or active in there! I am going to propose a passive or active that is worth far more than stats. (Actually I am going to suggest several because I am terrible at deciding and accept so many ideas.) Read the passives and actives below, and then vote on the one you remember is the most advisable for Darkwill's Neck Cleaver!

Passive and Active Possibilities

Some of the below categories have multiple suggestions. They are not meant to exist at the same time on Darkwill's Neck Cleaver.

The majority of supports with heals are non tanky (Alistar.... uh... Shen?), and those who are don't accept the best heals in the game. Therefore this item could be built specifically to bargain with abrasive supports, and what are annoying supports? They are the supports able to kite and apply CC.

(I will be using ability frames because it looks good)


  • No boosted details.

This passive doesn't take the ability to kite and concord yous downward away from supports, nonetheless it does allow y'all some leeway when chasing them down. Note that it only procs from hard CC. Silences, blinds, and slows do non activate this passive.

This particular would be fantastic on Olaf during his ultimate, every bit the CC wouldn't hold him down, but would trigger the passive.


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Its not exactly a quicksilver sash, and non exactly a Zhonias. It but puts a pause on all forms of oversupply control to allow you to dodge the adjacent large hit, deliver that final blow, or merely stick like a Skarner. Its best employ is right earlier being hit with CC, though it is all the same useful in the eye of if you get defenseless. Up to you how you use information technology.


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This version of the item would non only prevent 50% of the targets regeneration, but you could besides benefit from it. Also, your heal is calculated after the grievous wounds, and it has a cap per assault (The enemy Soraka can only help y'all so much). So while this tin can exist hilarious to out sustain a sustain champion with little to no life steal, it shouldn't be also aggressive and toxic. To prevent an infinite loop, the item would be unable to leach of of healing from another Darkwill's Neck Cleaver.

Example: You take just auto attacked Caitlyn, the enemy Soraka heals Caitlyn for what should be 100 health. Because of grievous wounds she is only healed for 50, and because of Claret Soaked you are healed for 50% of that; 25 health.

According to the lore, Darkwill is a very adept duelist. I believe this would fit nicely theme wise.

Assassins impale


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Since the Grievous Wounds passive makes it harder for people to heal themselves, why not take advantage of their low health by killing them faster.


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This one is pretty straight forwards. Impale someone who is low on wellness.

What do you think?


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